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Great TBE at a great price thanks bro!
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Buyer Evoardo IX (21)
Jan 26, 2009
Evoardo IX
Jan 26, 2009, 07:49 PM
Hey what's up bro, I just received the TBE I got from you remember? I took a while to get that thing from miami to Ecuador, but it finally arrived and it's all good, not installed yet but I just know it will be awesome I have a question, did you have any sort of fitment problem with the acd? I also see there is 3 bungs, what are they for? (I know 1 is for the rear O2, what are the other 2 for?)
Could you somehow send me a picture or tell me exactly what kind of material I need to look for to fabricate the gaskets?
Thanks a lot once again, if you can, help me out with my many questions

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