Rating Summary
May 6, 2007, 02:03 AM
Purchased the eBay o2 housing around 3 months ago. Sent money order ASAP like i said and expressed i like i said.

One week i didn't hear from him, two weeks go by still nothing. Then i finally PM him and he says he just went out on vacation and to have his buddy send it out. Month goes by still nothing 2 months still nothing. He claimed he sent it out claimed this that but i never got any tracking numbers. He asked for my addy like 2 times and I gave it to him he asked me again so I hope i finally get something.

I don't think this kid is a scammer i just think he is an idiot slacker by not taking care of stuff he had to do.

To be honest i can careless about the money i dropped, like i told him it was about the principle not the money to me.

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