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Howard is The Absolute best! Best buyer experience ever ! Fast and Devoted!
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Buyer DJErickG (2)
Mar 10, 2015
Mar 10, 2015, 04:24 PM
Dear Mister Howard, Once again I would like to thank you for everything !! I do not think that I will ever run into someone that deals and ships like you. You go out of your way to make sure items do not get damaged. You are the man !!! I appreciate every update and the friendly communication its nice to know that their is still great people that know how to deal and socialize with people. This world is becoming narrow minded there needs to be way more people like you to spread the love and dedication around. I wish you luck on your build and I wish you nothing but the best. feels like I made a great friend and the headlights were just a bonus. I will definitely buy whatever I possibly can from you in the future. You are the best !! Thanks again howard !!

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